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NetLogo 5.0.1


Screenshot 1 of NetLogo

"The main window of NetLogo allows you to create your virtual envinronment."
NetLogo screenshot 1 - The main window of NetLogo allows you to create your virtual envinronment.
Screenshot 2 of NetLogo

"You can add buttons, sliders, choosers, notes and other elements to your environment."
NetLogo screenshot 2 - You can add buttons, sliders, choosers, notes and other elements to your environment.
Screenshot 3 of NetLogo

"The Code tab allows you to write the code and verify it in order to find errors."
NetLogo screenshot 3 - The Code tab allows you to write the code and verify it in order to find errors.
Screenshot 4 of NetLogo

NetLogo screenshot 4
Screenshot 5 of NetLogo

NetLogo screenshot 5
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